UNS Notifications

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Risk of interruption for Metop-A and Metop-B data on 15. june 2016NRT-GTS  2016-06-09  
Risk of interruption for Metop-A data on 14 june 2016NRT-GTS  2016-06-09  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 8 June 2016 postponedNRT-GTS  2016-06-07  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 8 June 2016 postponedDATA  2016-06-07  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 2 June 2016 completed NRT-GTS  2016-06-02  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 2 June 2016 completed DATA  2016-06-02  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 2 June 2016DATA  2016-06-01  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 2 June 2016NRT-GTS  2016-06-01  
Data from Metob-B delayed on 29 May 2016NRT-GTS  2016-05-29  
Metop-B in-plane-manoeuvre on 6 june 2016NRT-GTS  2016-05-27  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 2 June 2016 and 8 June 2016DATA  2016-05-20  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 2 June 2016 and 8 June 2016NRT-GTS  2016-05-20  
EUMETSAT upgrade of GRAS processing software on 8 June 2016NRT-GTS  2016-05-20  
Revoke: ground-segment-anomalyNRT-GTS  2016-05-20  
ground-segment-anomalyNRT-GTS  2016-05-19  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 24 May 2016 DATA  2016-04-28  
Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 24 May 2016NRT-GTS  2016-04-28  
Risk of degradation for Metop-A & Metop-B data on 25. April 2016 to 29. AprilNRT-GTS  2016-04-21  
GRAS Level 1 Metop-A & Metop-B Product changeNRT-GTS  2016-04-21  
Degradation of Metop-A data on 16 April 2016NRT-GTS  2016-04-16  

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