NRT Notification Detail
Announcement of upcoming ROM SAF PlanetiQ (procured by NOAA) NRT Production
DATE: 2023-09-07 15:12

Issued : 2023-09-07 15:09 UTC

The ROM SAF is pleased to announce that PlanetiQ data procured by NOAA, but made available under a global licence to EUMETSAT, and processed to Level 2 at the ROM SAF, are now available on the ROM SAF archive (https://rom-saf.eumetsat.int/nrtpage.php?pubmode=pub). The products are provided with the status “demonstration”. Please also see the earlier ROM SAF announcement here:



The ROM SAF PlanetiQ NRT products consists of the following geophysical variables:

Level 2A: refractivity, dry temperature (GRM-220, GRM-225)

Level 2B: temperature, humidity, pressure (GRM-221, GRM-222, GRM-223)

Level 2C: surface pressure (GRM-224)

In addition, the files include a copy of the EUMETSAT Secretariat PlanetiQ NRT bending angle (Level 1B) at vertical levels corresponding to those of the Level 2A products. The files are formatted as netCDF files, with a subset of the products formatted as BUFR.


GTS: The ROM SAF BUFR files based on NOAA-procured PlanetiQ data are not made available on GTS.

EUMETCast: The BUFR files are disseminated on EUMETCast. Please see earlier EUMETSAT announcement below.

Website: The ROM SAF netCDF and BUFR files are available at the ROM SAF product archive (https://rom-saf.eumetsat.int/product_archive.php).

The archived NOAA-procured PlanetiQ data cover the time period from 4 September 2023 up to the present.

Kind regards

The ROM SAF Team


Fra: ops@eumetsat.int

Sendt: 31. august 2023 13:36

Til: ops@eumetsat.int

Emne: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 36

Message number: 10951

Message creation: Thu Aug 31 11:34:55 UTC 2023


Type: Service Enhancement

Ann Nr: 9962

Rev: 0

Start Time: 2023-09-07 09:00:00.0

End Time: 2023-09-07 09:00:00.0

Subject: product-change

Detail: Following the release on EUMETCast of Level-1B NOAA-procured Spire Radio Occultation data processed by EUMETSAT, and L2 product generated by the ROM SAF, on 20 June 2023, NOAA switched from Spire to another data provider, PlanetiQ, on 18 July 2023, corresponding to the start of their next 6-month delivery order. L1 and L2 processors have now been adapted to the new PlanetiQ data by EUMETSAT Central Facility and ROM SAF, respectively. Both L1B and L2 PlanetiQ data will start being distributed via EUMETCast Europe and EUMETCast Terrestrial from 7 September 2023.

Revision History:

Issue Time: 2023-08-30 15:48:44.0

Services: Commercial Radio Occultation NOAA


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