NRT Notification Detail
Degraded GRAS data, Yesterday 2012-05-13
DATE: 2012-05-14 07:02

Issued: 2012-05-14 07:00 UTC

Due to an outage of input level 1b GRAS data there was a hour long outage of ROM SAF products yesterday

followed by a period of degraded data. ROM SAF products were flagged accordingly.

Please see detailed message from EUMETSAT below.

Kind regards

The ROM SAF Team

Forwarded Message

Subject: Metop-A data outage on 13 May 2012

From:Christian Marquardt

Date: 2012-05-13 20:29

Dear all,

due to problems in the data downlink for Metop earlier today, no level0 data was processed between 11:30 and 12:21 UTC today, 13 May 2012.

After level0 data became available again, the operational GRAS processing went through a (expected, given the circumstances) reset of the Precise Orbit Determination and thus produces degraded level 1 data which has been flagged accordingly. Data quality is nominal again since ~ 16:21 UTC. Note that level 2 products from the ROM SAF were also affected by the data outage and subsequent quality degradation.

We apologize for the problems!

 Christian Marquardt.

-- Dr. Christian Marquardt, Polar System Product Expert EUMETSAT, Eumetsatallee 1, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany
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