| Total Notifications 1390
2016 |
Planned Maintenance | NRT-GTS 2016-09-09 | |
data delayed from Metop-B on september 15 (ann nr 2193) | NRT-GTS 2016-09-08 | |
risk-of-interruption for Metop-A and Metop-B on september 12 (ann nr 2182) | NRT-GTS 2016-09-08 | |
Planned Maintenance | NRT-GTS 2016-08-25 | |
Planned Maintenance | NRT-GTS 2016-08-25 | |
planned maintenenance | NRT-GTS 2016-08-25 | |
Planned Mantenance | NRT-GTS 2016-08-25 | |
Data-Delayed Metop-B - 3078 | NRT-GTS 2016-08-24 | |
Metop-A out-of-plane manouvre on 31 August 2016 | NRT-GTS 2016-08-12 | |
ground-segment-anomaly on Metop-B recovered | NRT-GTS 2016-07-30 | |
ground-segment-anomaly on Metop-B | NRT-GTS 2016-07-30 | |
Problems with the Eumetcast receiving system between 13-14:10 utc | DATA 2016-07-28 | |
ground-segment-anomaly on Metop-B | NRT-GTS 2016-07-27 | |
ground-segment-anomaly on Metop-2 | NRT-GTS 2016-07-26 | |
ground-segment-anomaly on Metop-B | NRT-GTS 2016-07-26 | |
data unavailable from Metop-A on 26 july 2016 | NRT-GTS 2016-07-26 | |
data unavailable fromf Metop-A on 26 july 2016 | NRT-GTS 2016-07-26 | |
Service Enhancement | NRT-GTS 2016-07-25 | |
Risk of interruption for Metop-B data on 26. Juli 2016 | NRT-GTS 2016-07-22 | |
Product change regarding GRAS Level Metop-A and Metop-B Juli 26th 2016 | NRT-GTS 2016-07-22 | |