Operations Reports

Operations Reports

The ROM SAF Operations Report (OR) is a biannual document that provides an overview of the operational status of the products and services listed in the Service Specifications document aggregated over a one year period. Furthermore, these reports present main events and modifications in the operational environment together with future plans.

These documents are Copyright material.

Operation Report 2024 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January-May (H1) of 2024. During this period the following ROM SAF data products have been produced and disseminated: Metop NRT profiles (since February 2010), Metop Oine profiles and gridded products (since April 2019), Interim Climate Data Records from Metop (since April 2019), Sentinel-6 Non Time Critical (NTC) profiles and gridded products (since December 2021). Since 27 October 2022 demonstration product from commercial RO data (Spire) (purchased by EUMETSAT) has been generated and provided over GTS to NRT users. Commercial NRT data procured by NOAA has been generated as demonstration products as well and disseminated over EUMETCast. The last ROM SAF Operations Review (OR16) was held on the 27–28 of May 2024. The Radio Occultation Processing Package (ROPP) software package was originally released in 2004 and the current version is ROPP version 11.0 which was released on the 26th of January 2022 and is available on the ROM SAF website.

Operation Report 2023 H2

This report covers the 7-months’ period June–December (H2) of 2023. During this period the following ROM SAF data products have been produced and disseminated: Metop NRT profiles (since February 2010), Metop Offline profiles and gridded products (since April 2019), Interim Climate Data Records from Metop (since April 2019), Sentinel-6 Non Time Critical (NTC) profiles and gridded products (since December 2021). Since 27 October 2022 demonstration product from commercial RO data (Spire) (purchased by EUMETSAT) has been generated and provided over GTS to NRT users. Commercial NRT data procured by NOAA has been generated as demonstration products as well and disseminated over EUMETCast. The last ROM SAF Operations Review (OR15) was held on the 26–27 of June 2023.

Operation Report 2023 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January-May (H1) of 2023. During this period the following ROM SAF data products have been produced and disseminated: Metop NRT profiles (since February 2010), Metop Offline profiles and gridded products (since April 2019), Interim Climate Data Records from Metop (since April 2019), Sentinel-6 Non Time Critical (NTC) profiles and gridded products (since December 2021). Since 27 October 2022 demonstration product from commercial RO data (Spire) (purchased by EUMETSAT) has been generated and provided over GTS to NRT users. The last ROM SAF Operations Review (OR15) was held on the 26th–27th of June 2023. The Radio Occultation Processing Package (ROPP) software package was originally released in 2004 and the current version is ROPP version 11.0 which was released on the 26th of January 2022 and is available on the ROM SAF website.

Operations report 2022 H2

This report covers the 7-months period June–December (H2) of 2022. During this period the following ROM SAF data products have been produced and disseminated: Metop NRT profiles (since February 2010), Oine Metop profiles and gridded products (since April 2019), Interim Climate Data Records from Metop (since April 2019), Sentinel-6 Non Time Critical (NTC) profiles and gridded products (since December 2021), and Spire NRT profiles (since October 2022). The Metop-A mission reached its end-of-life in mid-November 2021 and therefore starting with November 2021 Metop data products are based on Metop-B and Metop-C. Since 27th October 2022 demonstration product from commercial RO data (Spire) (purchased by EUMETSAT) has been generated and provided over GTS to NRT users. The last ROM SAF Operations Review (OR14) was held on the 13th of June 2022 as a teleconference.

Operations Report 2022 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January – May (H1) of 2022. During this period the following ROM SAF data products have been produced and disseminated: NRT Metop profiles (since February 2010), Oine Metop profiles and gridded products (since April 2019), Interim Climate Data Records from Metop (since April 2019), and Sentinel-6 Non Time Critical (NTC) profiles and gridded products (since December 2021). The Metop-A mission reached its end-of-life in mid-November and therefore starting with November 2021 Metop data products are based on Metop-B and Metop-C. Metop-A data is therefore not analyzed in this report. The last ROM SAF Operations Review (OR14) was held on the 13th of June 2022 as a teleconference. The ROPP software package was originally released in 2004 and the current version is ROPP version 11.0 which was released on the 26th of January 2022 and is available on the ROM SAF website.

Operations Report 2021 H2

This report covers the 7-month period June – December (H2) of 2021. During this period the following ROM SAF data products have been produced and disseminated: NRT Metop profiles (since February 2010), Offline Metop profiles and gridded products (since April 2019), Interim Climate Data Records from Metop (since April 2019), and Sentinel-6 Non Time Critical (NTC) profiles and gridded products (since December 2021). The Metop-A mission reached its end-of-life in mid-November and therefore starting with November 2021 Metop data products are based on Metop-B and Metop-C. The ROPP software package was originally released in 2004 and the current version is ROPP version 10.0 which was released on the 9th of February 2021 and is available on the ROM SAF website. The last ROM SAF Operations Review (OR12) was held on the 22nd of April 2021 as a teleconference.

Operations Report 2021 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January -- May (H1) of 2021. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 (GRM-40 for Metop-B) (iii) 7th of March 2019 (GRM-60 for Metop-C). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. For temperature and humidity with operational status since 22 July 2014; for pressure and surface pressure initially with pre-operational status until 20 October 2016 due to limitations of input data. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast since 7th of March 2019 for Metop-C. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF Offline Level 3 monthly-mean gridded data based on Metop-A and Metop-B was initially released on 15th of April 2019. On 20th of November 2020 version 1.1 of this data set was released, starting in August 2019 and including data from all three Metop satellites. The ROPP package, ROPP version 10.0 was released the 9th of February 2021 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR12) was held on the 22nd of April 2021 as a teleconference.

Operations Report 2020 H2

This report covers the 7-month period June -- December (H2) of 2020. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCAST with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 (GRM-40 for Metop-B) (iii) 7th of March 2019 (GRM-60 for Metop-C). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCAST since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. For temperature and humidity with operational status since 22 July 2014; for pressure and surface pressure initially with pre-operational status until 20 October 2016 due to limitations of input data. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCAST since 7th of March 2019 for Metop-C. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF Offline Level 3 monthly-mean gridded data based on Metop-A and Metop-B was initially released on 15th of April 2019. On 20th of November 2020 version 1.1 of this data set was released, starting in August 2019 and including data from all three Metop satellites. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9.1 was released the 18th of September 2019 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR12) was held on the 25th of May 2020 as a teleconference.

Operations Report 2020 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January – May (H1) of 2020. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCAST with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 (GRM-40 for Metop-B) (iii) 7th of March 2019 (GRM-60 for Metop-C). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCAST since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. For temperature and humidity with operational status since 22 July 2014; for pressure and surface pressure initially with pre-operational status until 20 October 2016 due to limitations of input data. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCAST since 7th of March 2019 for Metop-C. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF offline level-3 gridded monthly-mean data based on Metop-A and Metop-B respectively was released on 15th of April 2019. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9.1 was released the 18th of September 2019 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR12) was held on the 25th of May 2020 as a teleconference.

Operations Report 2019 H2

This report covers the 7-month period June – December (H2) of 2019. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 (GRM-40 for Metop-B) (iii) 7th of March 2019 (GRM-60 for Metop-C). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. For temperature and humidity with operational status since 22 July 2014; for pressure and surface pressure initially with pre-operational status until 20 October 2016 due to limitations of input data. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast since 7th of March 2019 for Metop-C. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF oine level-3 gridded monthly-mean data based on Metop-A and Metop-B respectively was released on 15th of April 2019. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9.1 was released the 18th of September 2019 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR11) was held on the 9-10th of April 2019 at DMI.

Operations Report 2019 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January -- May (H1) of 2019. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 (GRM-40 for Metop-B) (iii) 7th of March 2019 (GRM-60 for Metop-C). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. For temperature and humidity with operational status since 22 July 2014; for pressure and surface pressure initially with pre-operational status until 20 October 2016 due to limitations of input data. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast since 7th of March 2019 for Metop-C. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROM SAF offline level-3 gridded monthly-mean data based on Metop-A and Metop-B respectively was released on 15th of April 2019. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9 was released the 28th of February 2017 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR11) was held on the 9-10th of April 2019 at DMI.

Operations Report 2018 H2

This report covers the 7-month period June – December (H2) of 2018. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstration status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. For temperature and humidity with operational status since 22 July 2014; for pressure and surface pressure initially with pre-operational status until 20 October 2016 due to limitations of input data. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9 was released the 28th of February 2017 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR10) was held on the 17-18th of May 2018 at DMI.

Operations Report 2018 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January – May (H1) of 2018. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstration status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9 was released the 28th of February 2017 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR10) was held on the 17-18th of May 2018 at DMI.

Operations Report 2017 H2

This report covers the 7-month period June – December (H2) of 2017. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstration status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9 was released the 28th of February 2017 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR9) was held on the 12-13th of September 2017 at DMI.

Operations Report 2017 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January – May (H1) of 2017. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstration status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 9 was released the 28th of February 2017 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR9) was held on the 12-13th of September 2017 at DMI.

Operations Report 2016 H2

This report covers the 7-month period June – December (H2) of 2016. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstration status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 8 was released the 24th of February 2015 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR8) was held on the 20-21th of April 2016 at DMI.

Operations Report 2016 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January – May (H1) of 2016. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstration status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 8 was released the 24th of February 2015 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR8) was held on the 20-21th of April 2016 at DMI.

Operations Report 2015 H2

This report covers the 7-month period June – December (H2) of 2015. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstration status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 8 was released the 24th of February 2015 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR7) was held on the 11-12th of March 2015 at DMI. The next operational review will be held on the 20-21th April 2016.

Operations Report 2015 H1

This report covers the 5-month period January – May (H1) of 2015. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstation status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 16th of March 2015. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 8 was released the 24th of February 2015 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR7) was held on the 11-12th of March 2015 at DMI.

Operations Report 2014 H2

This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2014. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since (i) 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009 (GRM-01 for Metop-A) (ii) 17th of June 2014 after being disseminated with demonstation status since 10th December 2012 (GRM-40 for Metop-B). The ROM SAF level 2 NRT 1D-Var products have been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with (pre-)operational status since 22nd July 2014 for both Metop-A and Metop-B. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and provides access to the ROM SAF help desk, downloading of the ROPP package and monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 26th of August 2013. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 7 was released the 21st of October 2013 and is available on the ROM SAF website (the previous version of the ROPP software is also available on the ROM SAF web site). The last operations review (OR6) was held on the 8-9th of April 2014 at DMI.

Operations Report 2014 H1

This report covers the 1st half year (H1) of 2014. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product (GRM-01) has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. A trial dissemination of demonstational Metop-B ROM SAF products (GRM-40) via GTS was started the 10th of December 2012, and was stopped the 14th of February 2013 due to experimental tests involving new parameter uploads to the Metop-B GRAS receiver firmware. The dissemination of demonstrational Metop-B ROM SAF products via GTS was resumed the 8th of April 2013. From the 20th of May 2014, the demonstrational dissemination was also done via EUMETCast. Finally, on the 17th of June 2014, the Metop-B ROM SAF products (GRM-40) obtained operational status. The Metop-B GRAS instrument parameters were uploaded to the Metop-A GRAS instrument the 25th of June 2013. The changed instrument parameters have an impact on the ROM SAF product properties, and a larger number of occultations is now flagged as non-nominal by the ROM SAF quality control. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the ROM SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 26th of August 2013. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 7 was released the 21st of October 2013. With every new ROPP release the previous version of the ROPP software is continued to be made available through the ROM SAF web site. The last operations review (OR6) was held on the 8-9th of April 2014 at DMI.

ROM SAF Operations Report 2013 H2

This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2013. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product (GRM-01) has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. A trial dissemination of demonstational Metop-B products on the GTS network (GRM- 40) was started the 10th December 2012, and was stopped the 14th February 2013 due to experimental tests involving new parameter uploads to the Metop-B GRAS receiver firmware. The dissemination of demonstrational Metop-B ROM SAF products was resumed the 8th of April 2013. The Metop-B GRAS instrument parameters where uploaded to the Metop-A GRAS instrument the 25th June 2013. The changed instrument parameters have an impact on the ROM SAF product properties, and a larger number of occultations is now flagged as non-nominal by the ROM SAF quality control. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the ROM SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013 and was updated the 26th of August 2013. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package, ROPP version 7 was released the 21st of October 2013. With every new ROPP release the previous version of the ROPP software is continued to be made available though the ROM SAF web site. The last operations review (OR5) was held on the 5-6th of March 2013 at DMI.

ROM SAF Operations Report 2013 H1

This report covers the 1st half year (H1) of 2013. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product (GRM-01) has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. A trial dissemination of demonstational Metop-B products on the GTS network (GRM- 40) was started the 10th December 2012, and was stopped the 14th February 2013 due to experimental tests involving new parameter uploads to the Metop-B GRAS receiver firmware. The dissemination of demonstrational Metop-B ROM SAF products was resumed the 4th of April 2013. The Metop-B GRAS instrument parameters where uploaded to the Metop-A GRAS instrument the 25th June 2013. The changed instrument parameters have an impact on the ROM SAF product properties, and a larger number of occultations is now flagged as non-nominal by the ROM SAF quality control. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the ROM SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF level 3 climate products based on COSMIC RO data was released the 10th of June 2013. The products are available on the ROM SAF website together with the ROM SAF level 3 climate monitoring plots. The ROPP package ROPP version 6.1 was released the 9th of April 2013. With every new ROPP release the previous version of the ROPP software is continued to be made available though the ROM SAF web site. The last operations review (OR5) was held on the 5-6th of March 2013 at DMI.

ROM SAF Operations Report 2012 H2

This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2012. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity prod- uct (GRM-01) has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. A trial dissemination of demonstational Metop-B products on the GTS network was started the 10th December 2012, but was stopped the 14th February 2013 due to experimental tests involving new parameter uploads to the Metop-B GRAS receiver firmware. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the ROM SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF website was updated in March 2012. The upgrade was mostly con- cerned with internal data flows and upgrading server operating systems. The new setup will make it easier to maintain and add new features to the website. The ROPP package ROPP version 6.0 was released the 27th of February 2012. With every new ROPP release the previous version of the ROPP software is continued to be made available though the ROM SAF web site. The last operations review (OR4) was held on the 6th of March 2012 at DMI.

ROM SAF Operations Report 2012 H1

The ROM SAF was previously known as the GRAS SAF. The name was changed the 1st of March 2012 when entering the CDOP-2 phase. This report covers the 1st half year (H1) of 2012. The ROM SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product (GRM-01) has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. The ROM SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the ROM SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. The ROM SAF website was updated in March 2012. The upgrade was mostly con- cerned with internal data flows and upgrading server operating systems. The new setup will make it easier to maintain and add new features to the website. The ROPP package ROPP version 6.0 was released the 27th of February 2012. With every new ROPP release the previous version of the ROPP software is continued to be made available though the ROM SAF web site. The last operations review (OR4) was held on the 6th of March 2012 at DMI.

GRAS SAF Operations Report 2011 H2

This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2011. The GRAS SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product (GRM-01) has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. Due to a bug in the extraction of ECMWF profiles the access to the GRAS SAF background profiles where closed in spring 2011. The bug did not influence the data quality of GRM-01. The bug was corrected, and the corrected code was implemented into the operational system in mid May 2011. The GRAS SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. We are currently in the process of updating the website. The purpose of the update is to make the website more robust and easier to update and maintain in the future. Concerning the ROPP package ROPP version 5.0 was released the 11th of July 2011. With every new ROPP release the previous version of the ROPP software is made available though the GRAS SAF web site. The next ROPP release is planned for February 2012. The last operations review (OR3) was held the 24th of February 2011 at DMI. The next operational review will be held on the 5th and 6th March 2012.

GRAS SAF Operations Report 2011 H1

This report covers the 1st half year (H1) of 2011. The GRAS SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product (GRM-01) has been disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. Due to a bug in the extraction of ECMWF profiles the access to the GRAS SAF background profiles where closed in spring 2011. The bug did not influence the data quality of GRM-01. The GRAS SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. Concerning the ROPP package, ROPP version 4.1 was released the 20th of July 2010 and ROPP version 5.0 was released the 11th of July 2011. With every new ROPP release the previous version of the ROPP software is made available though the GRAS SAF web site. The last operations review (OR3) was held the 24th of February 2011 at DMI.

GRAS SAF Operations Report 2010 H2

This document contains a short description of events relating to GRAS SAF production and deliverables. This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2010. The GRAS SAF level 2 NRT refractivity product (GRM-01) started to be disseminated via GTS and EUMETCast with operational status since 1st of February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. The GRAS SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring of product quality. Concerning the ROPP package, ROPP version 4.0 was released the 11th of January 2010 and ROPP version 4.1 was released the 20th of July 2010. With every new ROPP release a backlog of the previous versions of the ROPP software are made available though the GRAS SAF web site. The last operations review (OR2) was held the 8th-9th of April 2010 at DMI.

Operations Report 2010 first half-year

Short description of events relating to GRAS SAF deliverables. This report covers the 1st half year (H1) of 2010. The GRAS SAF level 2 refractivity product (GRM-01) started to be disseminated via GTS and Eumetcast with operational status as of 1st February 2010 after being disseminated with pre-operational status since March 2009. The GRAS SAF website has been operational since 2009 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring the product quality. As of the 30th March 2009 GRM-01 was made available at the GRAS SAF website with pre-operational status, and since 1st of February with operational status. Concerning the ROPP package, ROPP version 4.0 was released the 11th of January 2010. Notice that with every new ROPP release a backlog of the previous versions of the ROPP software are made available though the GRAS SAF web site. The last operations review (OR2) was held the 8th-9th of April 2010.

Operations Report 2009 second half-year

Short description of events relating to GRAS SAF deliverables. This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2009. The GRAS SAF level 2 refractivity product (GRM01) started to be disseminated via GTS with preoperational status as of the 25th March 2009. EUMETCast dissemination of GRM01 started the 21st April 2009. The GRAS SAF ORRB was held on the 15th 16th of June 2009. The GRAS SAF Archiving and Retrieval Facility (GARF) has been operational during 2009 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring the product quality. As of the 30th March 2009 GRM01 was made available at the GARF website. Concerning the ROPP package, version 3.0 was released on the 6th of July 2009. ROPP version 4.0 was released the 11th of January 2010 and is not discussed in this report. Notice that with every new ROPP release a backlog of the previous versions of the ROPP software are made available though the GRAS SAF web site. The first operations review (OR1) was held on June 17th, 2009.

Operations Report 2009 first half-year

Short description of events relating to GRAS SAF deliverables. This report covers the 1st half year (H1) of 2009. The GRAS SAF ORRA was held the 10th11th of June 2008. The ORRA Close out was held on September 10 2008. Since the 3rd of July 2008 GRAS SAF level 2 refractivity product has been disseminated to a limited number of non GRAS SAF team users through GTS and with demonstration status. The GRAS SAF level 2 refractivity product (GRM01) started to be disseminated via GTS with preoperational status as of the 25th March 2009. EUMETCast dissemination of GRM01 started the 21st April 2009. The GRAS SAF ORRB was held on the 15th 16th of June 2009. The GRAS SAF Archiving and Retrieval Facility (GARF) has been operational during 2009 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring the product quality. As of the 30th March 2009 GRM01 was made available at the GARF website. With respect to the ROPP package, version 1.2 was released in early September 2008 and version 2.0 was released in December 2008. Both versions, 1.2 and 2.0 are available at the GARF website. The release of ROPP 3.0 on the 6th of July 2009 is not discussed in this report. The first operations review (OR1) was held on June 17th, 2009.

Operations Report 2008 second half-year

This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2008. The GRAS SAF ORRA was held the 10th11th of June. The ORRA Close out was held on September 10 2008. Since the 3rd of July 2008 GRAS SAF level 2 products have been disseminated to a limited number of non GRAS SAF team users through GTS and with demonstration status. The GRAS SAF level 2 products is expected to be disseminated with preoperational status within February 2009. The GRAS SAF Archiving and Retrieval Facility (GARF) has been operational during 2008 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring the product quality. With respect to the ROPP package, version 1.2 was released in early September 2008 and version 2.0 was released in December 2008. Both versions, 1.2 and 2.0 are available at the GARF website.

Operations Report 2008 first half-year

This report covers the 1st half year (H1) of 2008. The GRAS SAF ORRA was held the 10th11th of June. The ORRA Close out is planned for the 11th September 2008. Hence, the GRAS SAF products are not yet preoperational. Please notice that since the 3rd of July 2008 GRAS SAF level 2 products have been disseminated to a limited number of non GRAS SAF team users through GTS and with demonstration status. The GRAS SAF Achieve and Retrieval Facility (GARF) has been operational during 2008 and is currently providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk, for downloading the ROPP package and for monitoring the product quality. With respect to the ROPP package, version 1.1 was released in April 2008 and version 1.2 is expected to be released in late August / early September 2008.

Operations Report 2007 second half-year

This report covers the 2nd half year (H2) of 2007. The delay of scientific valid level 1b data from EUMETSAT has been delayed and as a consequence the ORRA review (originally scheduled for December 2007) postponed to Q2/2008 (TBC). The GRAS SAF Achieve and Retrieval Facility (GARF) has been operational during the 2nd half year of 2007 and has been providing access to the GRAS SAF help desk and for downloading the ROPP package.

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