NRT Notification Detail
Loss of timeliness for ROM SAF products
DATE: 2012-06-11 08:13

Issued: 2012-06-11 08:10 UTC

The EUMETSAT Antarctica Data Aquisition has been interrupted starting from sensing time 2012-06-10 07:29 UTC. This has resulted in a loss of timeliness for upstream GRAS level1b data and subsequently for ROM SAF products. The ROM SAF product timeliness is still within specs.

Please see message from EUMETSAT below.

Kind Regards

The ROM SAF Team

Forwarded Message:

Subject: Outage to the Antarctic Data Acquisition

From: Kim-Hui Gaune

Date: 2012-06-11 08:07 UTC

Dear Members of the STG-OPS Working Group,

Please be informed that we are currently experiencing an extended outage to the Antarctic Data Acquisition. Due to extreme weather conditions, McMurdo operations was hit by a major power outage yesterday morning at 0820 UTC. The overall power supply has been restored, but the Metop-A acquisition antenna system is still not functional. Onsite engineering crews are troubleshooting.

We are monitoring the situation and will keep you informed of the developments.

With best regards,

Kim-Hui Gaune

User Support Officer

User Service Division

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