


GRM-16: ROPP Software Deliverable

The Radio Occultation Processing Package (ROPP) is a package of software (as source code) and supporting build and test scripts, data files and documentation, which will aid users wishing to process, quality-control and assimilate radio occultation data from any radio occultation mission into NWP and other models. The current ROPP software version is ROPP-11.3.

Users wishing to obtain the ROPP code will need to first register via the registration page and agree to the terms and conditions of the software licence. There is no charge for the package. Registered users should login and access the ROPP package from the download page.

ROPP documents

Before downloading the package it is recommended that users refer to the ROPP Release Notes and ROPP Overview document. The ROPP User Guide documents provides further information on each of the software modules.

ROPP structure

Users may wish to integrate a subset of ROPP code into their own software applications, individually linking subroutines or modules to their own code. These users may not require the complete ROPP distribution package. Alternatively, users may wish to use the executable tools provided as part of each module as stand-alone applications for RO data processing. These users should download the complete ROPP release.

The ROPP software is split into several modules. The dependencies between modules are shown in the figure below. (Items new at ROPP-11.3 are in red.) Stand-alone executable tools are also provided with each module. The following modules are available:

ROPP_UTILSLow-level utility routines (required by all other modules)
ROPP_IOSupport for file reading and writing, RO internal data structure and interfaces, BUFR encoder/decoder tools, profile thinning, file management.
ROPP_PPPre-processor to derive L1 and L2 channel bending angles from excess phase and amplitude, and to compute ionospheric corrected bending angle and refractivity profiles from L1 and L2 channel bending angles. 1D and 2D wave optics propagation codes.
ROPP_APPSTropopause height and planetary boundary layer height diagnostics.
ROPP_FM1d and 2d forward models and associated tangent linear, adjoint and gradient codes.
ROPP_1DVAR1d-Var retrieval and minimizer code for variational assimilation of refractivity, bending angle or the difference between bending angles at two frequencies, in background atmospheric or ionospheric states.

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