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Change in NOAA-procured commercial data on 18 January 2024: PlanetiQ NRT production ceases and Spire NRT production resumes
DATE:   2024-01-17 09:48

Issued: 2024-01-17 09:41 UTC

The ROM SAF production of NOAA-procured PlanetiQ data ceases on 18 January, but will be replaced by the production of NOAA-procured Spire data. The NRT production and dissemination of the NOAA-procured Spire data is expected to start on 18 January 2024, or shortly thereafter.

The NOAA-procured data are made available to EUMETSAT and are available in NRT on EUMETCast (see the announcement here: The ROM SAF products contain vertical profiles of atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and refractivity. The data generation is based on the Level 1B NRT data (bending angle) generated by the EUMETSAT Secretariat from the NOAA-procured Spire data, and will include a copy of the EUMETSAT Secretariat NRT bending angle. The ROM SAF Spire products are provided with the status “demonstration”.

The BUFR files for these data contain an extra descriptor for the satellite sub-identifier (descriptor 0 01 016) in BUFR Section 3. This descriptor comes immediately before the RO BUFR sequence of descriptors (descriptor 3 10 026). Master Table Version 39 (or higher) is required to decode the BUFR data.

To indicate that these data are procured by NOAA, the sub-centre code in BUFR Section 1 is set to 220.

The time significance in the BUFR files (descriptor 0 08 021) is set to 25, meaning ’nominal reporting time’, and consequently the time increment (descriptor 0 04 016) is always zero.

Kind regards
The ROM SAF Team

Type: Planned Maintenance
Ann Nr: 10345
Rev: 0
Start Time: 2024-01-18 15:00:00.0
End Time: 2024-01-25 15:00:00.0
Subject: service-change
Detail: For their next Commercial Radio Occultation 6-month delivery order, starting on 18 January 2024, NOAA will be changing their data supplier from PlanetIQ to Spire. EUMETSAT plans to start disseminating the level 1B EUMETSAT-processed Spire NOAA data, and the demonstrational L2 data from ROM SAF, as soon as possible after the start of the delivery order, with minimum interruption to the service. There is a risk of missing data in the days following the switch until the Spire dataflow is fully implemented operationally. For more details, see the URL provided below (
Revision History:
Status: scheduled
Issue Time: 2024-01-16 15:06:28.0
Services: ROM SAF - Products
Commercial Radio Occultation NOAA

Address: Eumetsat-Allee 1
D-64295 Darmstadt
Telephone: +49 6151 807 3660/3770
Fax: +49 6151 807 3790
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