NRT Notification Detail

GRAS level1 data outage on 1 April 2012
DATE:   2012-04-02 08:43

Issued 2012-04-02 08:40 UTC

Please see the message below for further information on yesterdays outage.

Kind regards
The ROM SAF Team

Forwarded message:
Subject: GRAS level1 data outage on 1 April 2012
From: Christian Marquardt
Date: 2012-04-01 17:54 UTC

Dear all,

unfortunately, I have to report on a product outage for GRAS data between 8:35 and 11:50 UTC today, 1 April 2012. The reason were system issues at GSN which prohibited the generation of auxiliary data products required for the level 1 processing of GRAS data. Production resumed after auxiliary data became available again.

Because the operational orbit determination went through a reset after the first auxiliary data came I, data quality remained degraded (and was flagged accordingly) until about 15:00 UTC.

We apologise for the inconvenience the data outage might have caused on your side.

With kind regards,


Dr. Christian Marquardt, Polar System Product Expert
EUMETSAT, Eumetsatallee 1, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany

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