NRT Notification Detail
Scheduled outage/degradation of upstream GRAS level 1 b data 2012-07-18 13:05 UTC
DATE: 2012-07-13 12:03
Dear ROM SAF GTS user

Issued: 2012-07-13 12:00 UTC

Due to a Metop-A in-plane manoeuvre scheduled for 2012-07-18 13:05 UTC, upstream GRAS level 1 b data will be missing/degraded for approx 4-5 hours. Subsequently ROM SAF level 2 products will be missing/degraded. Products will be flagged accordingly.

Please see detailed message from EUMETSAT below.

Kind regards

The ROM SAF Team

Forwarded Message:

Subject: Metop-A manoeuvre on 18/07/2012 13:05 UTC

From:Christian Marquardt

Date: 2012-07-12 14:39 UTC

Dear all,

an in-plane manoeuvre is planned for Metop-A next Wednesday, 18/07/2012, around 13:05 UTC. As usual, the operational processing of GRAS data will reset its Precise Orbit Determination system, and GRAS data will be of degraded quality for 4-5 hours after the manoeuvre has taken place. The quality degradation will also affect level 2 data produced by the ROM (formerly GRAS) SAF. The data will be flagged accordingly.

We will let you know when data quality is back to nominal again.

Thanks for your understanding,



Dr. Christian Marquardt, Polar System Product Expert

EUMETSAT, Eumetsatallee 1, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany

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