NRT Notification Detail

Outage of upstream Metop-A and Metop-B GRAS data
DATE:   2012-11-27 12:19
Dear ROM SAF GTS user

Issued 2012-11-27 12:18 UTC

Due to a hardware failure at the EUMETSAT operational ground segment there was a short outage of upstream GRAS level 1b data. Products with observation times between 09:06 and 09:18 might have been disseminated twice both by EUMETSAT and by the ROM SAF processing chains. Data is currently flagged non-nominal but is expected to return to nominal status around 13:15 UTC.

Please see detailed message from EUMETSAT below.

Kind regards
The ROM SAF Team

Forwarded Message
Subject:Data outage for GRAS on both Metop-A and Metop-B today, 27 Nov 2012
From: Christian Marquardt
Date 2011-11-27 12:04 UTC

Dear all,

due to a hardware problem on our operational ground segment, the operational processing chains for both Metop satellites were interrupted a short while ago. Processing is now back to normal, but the interruption caused a reset in the operational POD systems for both GRAS instruments. The characteristics of the outage are slightly different for the two satellites:

The reset occurred for a sensing time of 09:06 UTC, and data will be flagged as being degraded up until ca. 13:15 UTC. Data for sensing times between 09:06 and 09:18 might have been sent twice, with the later products being the degraded ones.

There was data gap between 08:15 and 08:45 UTC. Data between 08:45 and ca. 13:00 UTC will be flagged as degraded.

We apologize for inconvenience.

With kind regards,


Dr. Christian Marquardt, Polar System Product Expert, EUMETSAT
Am Kavalleriesand 31, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany

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