NRT Notification Detail

Update on GRAS parameter tests on Metop-B
DATE:   2013-03-04 10:29

Issued: 2013-03-04 10:29 UTC

The EUMETSAT Central Application Facilities are continuing performing
parameter tests related to the GRAS instrument on Metop-B. During this
test period the dissemination of GRAS RO products is stopped and this
also means that the production of ROM SAF level 2 refractivity products
from Metop-B is stopped.

EUMETSAT has decided to extend this parameter test period such that it
will last until March 19 (please see message below). The dissemination of
ROM SAF level 2 Metop-B products is planned to start some days after
March 19 when we have re-validated our Metop-B products. A new
notification will be issued when the dissemination of Metop-B level 2
products will be activated again.

The dissemination of NRT Metop-A products are not affected by these
parameter tests on Metop-B.

With kind regards
The ROM SAF Team

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Christian Marquardt []
Sendt: 1. marts 2013 16:19
Til: Users
Emne: GRAS / Metop-B parameter test campaign status

Dear all,

I wanted to provide you with an update on the status of the GRAS/Metop-B parameter test campaign.

Up to now, we have identified two parameter set candidates for the final set of future parameters. Both improve on the false L2 tracking cases in the current GRAS data, and also provide fewer data gaps and better downward penetration of the open loop / raw sampling data (although gaps don't go away completely). They differ when it comes to data gaps closed loop L2 data of rising occultations, and the total number of good quality rising occultations.

As we would like to improve both the number of available occultations and the number of occultations without closed loop data gaps, we have decided to test modifying one more configuration parameter of the GRAS instrument. These tests will aim at covering the remaining closed loop data gaps with open loop data. As we are still modifying the data characteristics of the GRAS instrument onboard Metop-B, we will continue to not disseminate level 1 products until the week from 18th to 22nd March. At the beginning of that week, we’ll also take the final decision on the parameter set to be uploaded to both satellites in the future.

From then on, we'll again disseminate GRAS/Metop-B data which will then operate with the final set of parameter sets activated. We'll repeat our CalVal activities in order to make sure no unforeseen side effects exist; and we will very much appreciate all feedback from you regarding the data quality of the "new" GRAS data from Metop-B.

Assuming that no unexpected issues are found with the GRAS/Metop-B receiver and/or the level 1 product quality (and/or any other issue you might identify in your application of the data), we currently plan to finally upload the new parameters to the GRAS instrument on Metop-A about a month or two later (that's in the April - May time frame).

I apologize for another extension of the test campaign during which no GRAS/Metop-B data will be available for operational use. We think that tuning that instrument to its best possibilities is worth two more weeks of dissemination outage during the commissioning phase of the instrument.

With kind regards,


Dr. Christian Marquardt, Polar System Product Expert, EUMETSAT
Am Kavalleriesand 31, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel: +49-6151-807456, Fax: +49-6151-807304
Email:, Web:
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