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Software Release, ROPP 6.1
DATE:   2013-04-09 11:42

Issued 2013-04-09 11:40 UTC

The ROM SAF is pleased to announce an update to the sixth full release for the software
deliverable 'ROPP', Version 6.1.

The main changes from the previous release, v6.0, are as follows.

(1) A tool to read background profiles of RO data from gridded datasets in GRIB format.
The resulting background profiles can be converted to a form suitable for use with the
ROPP 1D-Var retrieval module ropp_1dvar.

(2) A tool to read "grouped" EUMETSAT-style RO data in netcdf-4 format, and to output in
standard ROPP or BUFR format.

(3) The automatic calculation of dry temperature by tools in the ROPP pre-processing package
ropp_pp, and its full incorporation within the standard ROprof structure.

All user documentation has been reviewed and updated. Details of all changes are available
together with the updated software on the ROPP download website.

There are few other changes, so unless users wish to take advantage of these new features
there is no need to update their applications to use this latest ROPP distribution.

Details of all changes are available together with the updated software on the ROPP download

Kind regards
The ROM SAF Team
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