NRT Notification Detail

Upgrade of NRT ROM SAF processing system on 5 July 2016
DATE:   2016-07-04 16:24

Issued : 2016-07-04 16:18 UTC

As previously announced the postponed upgrade (See notifications:, and of the EUMETSAT processing system will be performed on July 5, 2016. The upgrade will happen during working hours and there is a risk of data outage with duration of around 30 minutes.

As a result of the upgrade, the level 1B thinned bending angles from EUMETSAT that the ROM SAF distributes over the GTS will become more smooth at all altitudes and the standard deviation (when compared to ECMWF forecasts) will become smaller.

The ROM SAF level 2A refractivity products will also be affected by the upgrade, but to a smaller extent, since these products are based on high-resolution bending angles as opposed to the thinned ones. The high-resolution bending angles will become more smooth only at high altitudes. The refractivity products will thus have a slightly smaller standard deviation (compared to ECMWF forecasts) at altitudes higher than 25 km. The impact on the level 2B/2C 1Dvar products will be minimal.

The new processing also affects the number of profiles being caught in the QC both at EUMETSAT and at the ROM SAF. Generally, slightly more profiles are expected to be marked non-nominal.

Also, as a result of the upgrade, a few parameters that were previously not set, or incorrectly set, will now be correct:

1) The 'Time increment' (descriptor 0 04 016, data field 29 in BUFR; time_offset in NetCDF files) will now indicate the time since the start of the occultation where the 'local Earth parameters' are valid (such as reference latitude and longitude, radius of curvature, and centre of curvature).

2) The 'Location of point' centre of curvature (descriptor 3 04 030, data field 32-34 in BUFR; r_coc in NetCDF files) will now be correct and given in the ECF coordinate system.

Kind regards
The ROM SAF Team
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